2009年11月25日 星期三


I bet you really had a great time there. You have met plenty of nice people and amazing scene. It was pretty amazing that you were so close to nature, especially the elk were beside you. I wish some day I would have chance to experience that. By the way, I was curious that the what you experience and what difficulties you have met during hitchhiking.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Helloween in Second Life

I have known a little bit about Helloween, but I recognized more deeply regarding to the way western people celebrate it. Moreover, learning in Second Life was very interesting because it seems like real face-to-face communication although other learners and I are in different locations.

2009年11月21日 星期六

三弦主義+海角七號= ?

Answer is 十分音樂.

聽完大提琴,小提琴與吉他. 這巧妙的搭配組合,讓心靈提升了不少.
